Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday the 13th

     So today's Friday the 13th, what's up? Well first of all, the number 13 is considered unlucky or a bringer of bad luck in some countries. To prove this, many streets have no house thirteen, many hotels do not include room thirteen, and some buildings even "skip" the thirteenth floor (but I wonder how that's possible though).

     The fear of the number thirteen is called triskaidekaphobia. People with such a fear go to extreme lengths to avoid the number.

     Many other superstitions are associated with the number thirteen. They say it's unlucky to have thirteen guests at a table because the first person to stand will die within a year. Another one I remember from when I was a kid is that it's bad luck to carry around only exactly $13 in one's wallet (well not that I really believed in such a thing).

     Let's move on to Friday, what so bad about that? Superstition has it that Friday is also considered to be unlucky. They say that it's unlucky to begin a trip on a Friday. Some also say that it's also unlucky to have your wedding day on Friday. And another is that children born on a Friday are unlucky and are granted the power of healing and second sight (oh wait... now that I remember, I was also born on Friday o.O grrr).

    Now let's add it all up - The number 13 + Friday = A SUPER UNLUCKY DAY. But there are also those who believe that the number thirteen, Friday, or even Friday the 13th is lucky. Well that's all up to you if you'll believe in any of these things, or just think that today's no different from any other day.

   Since we've talked about Friday the 13th, let's not forget about this guy down here..

         Yup, you're right, he's Jason Voorhees, the iconic villain in the series Friday the 13th. He's the mass murdering, machete wielding bad guy from Camp Crystal Lake. If you guys haven't read any of the books or watched any of the movies in the series, then you should definitely check it out.

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